• In order to give you the BEST Talents, we take into account every single detail during our hiring process. This might take betwen 2-4 weeks to have your ideal candidate or team.

  • Absolutely! We identify and get to know potential candidates and invite you to join us in the final interview rounds.

  • At Remot, we take ownership of every single detail to identify the BEST Talent for you. However, we do understand if your company culture requires a different talent. That being the case, we will get you a different candidate ASAP.

  • The candidate will work at one of our remote offices in LATAM.

  • Of course! The employee will have top-notch infrastructure to perform his/her work for you: office, computer, internet, phone, and amenities.

  • You will have total control and access to your team/office. You are always welcome to meet your remote team in person.

  • Remot takes care of everything.

  • Yes! Once your team is up and running, we will assign an account manager that will supervise that everything is working as expected.

  • At Remot, we take trainings to the next level. Non technical skills will be carried by Remot since day 1. It includes remote work best practices, communication skills, writing skills, team work, etc. Non technical skills will be an on going process throughtout our journey.

    Technical skills which are more oriented to your business operations will be done by your company and always supervised by your assigned account manager.